Frequently Asked Questions about Orakei Korako
We've compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions and our answers about Orakei Korako for you below. If you still can't find what you are looking for, drop us a line and we'll answer you and add it to our FAQ.
When does the ferry run?
The ferry runs across the river from the information centre to the park and back on demand.
Is the ferry free?
Yes, the ferry ride is included in your ticket price
When are you open?
We are open seven days a week with the first ferry at 8.30am and the last trip to the valley at 4.00pm
Are you open Christmas Day?
No, we are shut on the 25th December 2020.
Do I need to book in advance?
Bookings are not required but can be made in advance. All quoted prices are GST inclusive.
Are dogs allowed in the park?
Dogs are welcome as long as they are on leashes and stay on the marked paths and boardwalks.