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Health and Safety

Here you will embark on a self-guided walk through our geothermal wonderland. Our park boasts the largest silica terrace in New Zealand and one of only two geothermal caves in the world.


Adults: $49
Children (16 & Under): $23
Families (2 Adults & 2+ Children): $132
Under 6's are free

Please note that online bookings are non-refundable, however dates/times are flexible on request.

Please watch the following video before your arrival at Orakei Korako.


The walk itself is just under 2.5km and our ferry runs every 5-10 minutes. Once you have finished your walk, simply press the buzzer and the ferry will come and get you.

Things to Know

  • There are no restrooms in the park so go before you go!
  • The walk has a number of stairs that may test some visitors.
  • There are four first aid stations containing first aid kits and VHF radios to contact the Visitors Centre.
  • In the unlikely event of an emergency the park is divided into 3 zones marked by coloured arrows.
  • Our Loudspeaker will direct you to the safest assembly point depending on what coloured Zone you are in.
  • Evacuation information is located throughout the park

Risk Disclosure

  • Slips Trips and Falls: Customers are advised that the park contains boardwalks that are exposed to the elements and may be slippery at times and a large number of stairs are present. Please take care with your footing and keep an eye on where you step to avoid slips trips and falls.
  • Burns: Geothermal areas contain hot water and steam. The ground off the track can be extremely fragile and have boiling water running through it.  Please treat all water as hot and stay on the pathways at all times. There is the potential for hot material to splash so we recommend full length clothing and covered shoes.
  • Dehydration/Exhaustion: The park is generally hotter than on the Visitors Centre side of the river and the walk requires a basic level of fitness to complete. Ensure you take enough water and are fit enough to complete the walk and be able to be evacuated if necessary.
  • Fire: There is a risk of fire in the bush surrounding the park. The park is a no smoking area to prevent fires. In the event of a fire please report immediately to the staff via the radios at the first aid points and follow all instructions given by the loudspeaker.
  • Geothermal event / Earthquake: Geothermal zones are unpredictable and located in geologically active areas. A major geothermal event or earthquake is possible. In the event of a major geothermal event or earthquake please follow the instructions of the staff. The pathways are located in areas of relative safety. Stay on the pathways at all times.
  • Drowning/Crushing: The docks are a location where heavy machinery is operating near water and therefore are a high-risk zone. Please stay off the docks unless indicated to by the skipper of the ferry. While aboard the ferry passengers must follow instructions given to them by the skipper.
  • Unsupervised children: Geothermal zones are dangerous for children who are unsupervised as they may not be able to recognise unfamiliar risks. All children must be directly supervised at all times while in the park.

It is the responsibility of people visiting the park to abide by all safety advice given to them and act in a safe manner at all times.

If you wish to know more about any of these risks, please ask our friendly staff.

Once you have completed your walk, enjoy a cold beverage or ice cream while overlooking the stunning Lake Ohakuri.